Bailey Zimmerman - Fall In Love (Official Music Video) NEW TO COUNTRY OFFICIAL VIDEO OUT NOW: https://baileyzimmerman.lnk.to/newtocountry_video Listen to RELIGIOUSLY. THE ALBUM. https://baileyzimmerman.lnk.to/religiouslythealbum Listen to the track! https://baileyzimmerman.lnk.to/fallinlove Follow Bailey on Socials! http://www.tiktok.com/@bailey.zimmerman? http://facebook.com/baileyzimmermanmusic http://instagram.com/bailey.zimmerman Director: Alexa Campbell Producer: Ryan Byrd Production Company: Alexa Campbell Productions LYRICS: Heard you moved out to South Carolina just like you always said we would. Packed your bags in that ol’ 4 runner that I bought ya when things were good. I’m glad to see the stop sign didn’t hit ya bring ya back to your senses Ohhh it waved you gone goodbye. Yeah it waved you gone goodbye. I heard you found yourself a brand new man Put a rock on your finger and he vowed you a second chance. Built a house right by the coast That ocean view is beautiful but baby I just want you to know. He don’t know you like I did. Money talks but I ain’t buying. Loves a smoke ring wrapped around your finger One second it’s a blessing and the next it’s already gone. A broken heart I’m a walking testimony My confession is a lesson that I’m pouring out in this song. Oh woah woah Oh woah woah You don’t wanna fall in love. Seen your momma walking out the county market and I stopped to ask her how she’s been. Said she’s missing ya and tried to go convincing ya not to settle down with him. She ain’t wrong, the whole town knows it, you had a bed of roses But girl you couldn’t walk that line. You can act like you’re doing fine. Establishing himself as one of music’s most exciting new voices, Bailey Zimmerman strikes a sweet spot between timeless American country, rafter-rattling arena rock, and authentic storytelling. It’s why in just one year’s time, he’s already logged over 400 million global streams, notched two entries on the Billboard Hot 100, and immediately sold out his first headline tour. Growing up in the small town of Louisville, IL, Zimmerman embraced country music on long-haul truck rides with his dad, and 80’s hair rock at home with his mom. By the time he hit high school, Zimmerman learned old school American values of hard work and dependability through a gig at the local meat market and long hours on a union gas pipeline. Simultaneously, he discovered his natural musical talent and began to sing whenever there was a guitar nearby. After a garage-recorded demo of his song “Never Comin’ Home” amassed over a million plays overnight, he turned in his union card to fulfill a growing demand for new music. Zimmerman fueled his meteoric rise with anthemic singles including, “Fall In Love”, “Rock and A Hard Place”, and “Where It Ends”. Now, this young artist with the rasp of a seasoned rocker and the heart of a sensitive songwriter has arrived at the cusp of superstardom as he readies his forthcoming debut for Warner Music Nashville/Elektra Records. #BaileyZimmerman #FallInLove #TikTok
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