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Ed Sheeran
Shape Of You
Ed Sheeran Shape Of You
Shape Of You Song
Ed Sheeran Official Video
Shape Of You Official Video
Ed Sheeran music
Ed Sheeran Lyrics
Shape Of You Lyrics
Ed Sheeran 2017
Ed Sheeran divide
Ed Sheeran third album
Ed Sheeran 3rd album
Ed Sheeran songs
Pop Music
Ed Sheerin
Ed Sheran
English Songs
English Song
i'm in love with the shape of you
i'm in love with your body
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The official music video for Ed Sheeran - Shape Of You Subtract, the new album, out 05.05.2023. Pre-order: es.lnk.to/subtract Taken from the studio album ÷ (divide) released in 2017, which featured the hit singles 'Castle on the Hill', 'Shape of You', 'Galway Girl', ‘Perfect’ & 'Happier'. Subscribe to the Ed Sheeran channel for all the best and latest official music videos, behind the scenes and live performances.  https://www.youtube.com/user/edsheeran?sub_confirmation=1 See more official videos from Ed Sheeran here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryJgDL9jzKk&list=PLjp0AEEJ0-fGKG_3skl0e1FQlJfnx-TJz Listen to more from the album ÷ (divide): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjp0AEEJ0-fGi7bkjrGhBLUF9NMraL9cL Follow Ed Sheeran on: Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@edsheeran Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser Twitter: http://twitter.com/edsheeran Discord: https://discord.com/invite/edsheeran Official Website: https://www.edsheeran.com/ VIDEO CREDITS: Director|DOP: Jason Koenig Producer: Honna Kimmerer Production company: Anonymous Content Exec Producer: Nina Soriano Cinematography: Johnny Valencia, Ryan Haug Edited by: Johnny Valencia, Jason Koenig Commissioner: Dan Curwin Co-Starring: Jennie Pegouskie Yama -- | LYRICS |-- The club isn’t the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go Me and my friends at the table doing shots drinking fast and then we talk slow you come over and start up a conversation with just me and trust me I’ll give it a chance now Take my hand stop, put van the man on the jukebox and then we start to dance And now I’m singing like Girl you know I want your love Your love was handmade for somebody like me Come on now follow my lead I may be crazy don’t mind me Say boy let’s not talk too much Grab on my waist and put that body on me Come on now follow my lead Come come on now follow my lead I’m in love with the shape of you We push and pull like a magnet do Although my heart is falling too I’m in love with your body Last night you were in my room And now my bed sheets smell like you Every day discovering something brand new I’m in love with your body Oh I X 4 I’m in love with your body Oh I X 4 I’m in love with your body Oh I X 4 I’m in love with your body Every day discovering something brand new I’m in love with the shape of you One week in we let the story begin We’re going out on our first date You and me are thrifty So go all you can eat Fill up your bag and I fill up a plate We talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour And how your family’s doing ok leave and get in a taxi, then kiss in the backseat Tell the driver make the radio play and I'm singing like Girl you know I want your love Your love was handmade for somebody like me Come on now follow my lead I may be crazy, don’t mind me Say boy let’s not talk too much Grab on my waist and put that body on me Come on now follow my lead Come come on now follow my lead I’m in love with the shape of you We push and pull like a magnet do Although my heart is falling too I’m in love with your body Last night you were in my room And now my bed sheets smell like you Every day discovering something brand new Well I’m in love with your body Oh I x 4 I’m in love with your body Oh I x 4 I’m in love with your body Oh I X 4 I’m in love with your body Every day discovering something brand new I’m in love with the shape of you Come on be my baby come on X 8 I’m in love with the shape of you We push and pull like a magnet do Although my heart is falling too I’m in love with your body Last night you were in my room And now my bed sheets smell like you Every day discovering something brand new Well I’m in love with your body Come on be my baby come on X 6 Every day discovering something brand new I’m in love with the shape of you About Ed Sheeran: Ed Sheeran may be the quintessential pop star of the 2010s: an internationally acclaimed, multi-award winning singer/songwriter who seems to acknowledge no boundaries between styles or eras with elements of folk, hip-hop, pop, dance, soul, and rock woven throughout his music. His incredible catalogue includes the studio albums ‘+’ (plus), ‘x’ (multiply) and ‘÷’ (divide) which spawned hit singles such as ‘The A team’ , ’Lego House’, ‘Sing', ‘Thinking Out Loud’, ‘Photograph’, ‘Shape Of You’, ‘Castle on The Hill’ and ‘Perfect’. In 2019, Ed Sheeran released the genre-spanning ‘No.6 Collaborations Project’ which featured a wide-range of artists including ‘Justin Bieber’, ‘Camilla’ Cabello’, ‘Travis Scott’, ‘Eminem’, ‘Cardi B, ‘Paulo Londra’, ‘Bruno Mars’ and ‘Stormzy’ amongst many others, producing hits such as ‘I Don’t Care’, ‘Beautiful People’, ‘South of The Border’ and ‘Take Me Back To London’.

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