ROSÉ 首張專輯《rosie》 [🎵 數位音樂平台] 韓國女子天團 BLACKPINK 成員 ROSÉ,和火星人布魯諾 Bruno Mars 聯手發行全新單曲〈APT.〉! 關於〈APT.〉的靈感,ROSÉ 坦言自己本來就很喜歡「Apartment」這個酒桌遊戲,「這個遊戲非常簡單,不僅能讓人開心,還能迅速打破任何派對的冷場。」她透露,自己有一天晚上在錄音室教團隊玩這個遊戲,大家都玩得不亦樂乎,「尤其是當我開始唱起來時,所有人都被深深吸引了。於是我們決定把它變成一首歌。之後,火星人布魯諾也加入了這個創作過程。」 〈APT.〉由火星人布魯諾、Cirkut、Omer Fedi 和 Rogét Chahayed 共同製作,是 ROSÉ 即將發行的首張錄音室專輯《rosie》的主打單曲,該專輯將於 12 月 6 日發行。這張專輯共收錄 12 首歌曲,展示了 ROSÉ 最個人、最真誠的一面,她也全程參與了專輯的創作。 - 更多西洋日韓音樂消息,請鎖定 西洋FB : 西洋日韓IG : JPOP FB : KPOP FB : - 更多金曲熱門音樂消息,請鎖定 👉 最Hit西洋榜 : 👉 Best of 西洋金曲 : 👉 2024夏日神曲 : 👉 GIRL POWER 必聽女聲 : 👉 Reels 熱門金曲 : -
Mediafile available in formats website is the best way to download a video or a separate audio track if you want to do without installing programs and extensions.
The UDL Helper extension is a convenient button that is seamlessly integrated into YouTube, Instagram and sites for fast content download.
UDL Client program (for Windows) is the most powerful solution that supports more than 900 websites, social networks and video hosting sites, as well as any video quality that is available in the source.
UDL Lite is a really convenient way to access a website from your mobile device. With its help, you can easily download videos directly to your smartphone.
The best quality formats are FullHD (1080p), 2K (1440p), 4K (2160p) and 8K (4320p). The higher the resolution of your screen, the higher the video quality should be. However, there are other factors to consider: download speed, amount of free space, and device performance during playback.
The browser/computer should not freeze completely! If this happens, please report it with a link to the video. Sometimes videos cannot be downloaded directly in a suitable format, so we have added the ability to convert the file to the desired format. In some cases, this process may actively use computer resources.
You can download a video to your smartphone using the website or the PWA application UDL Lite. It is also possible to send a download link via QR code using the UDL Helper extension.
The most convenient way is to use the UDL Client program, which supports converting video to MP3 format. In some cases, MP3 can also be downloaded through the UDL Helper extension.
This feature is available in the UDL Helper extension. Make sure that "Show the video snapshot button" is checked in the settings. A camera icon should appear in the lower right corner of the player to the left of the "Settings" icon. When you click on it, the current frame from the video will be saved to your computer in JPEG format.
For this purpose you need VLC-player, which can be downloaded for free from the official website
How to play streaming video through VLC player:
To download streaming video via VLC player, you need to convert it:
Warning: this download method no longer works with most YouTube videos.
It costs nothing. Our services are absolutely free for all users. There are no PRO subscriptions, no restrictions on the number or maximum length of downloaded videos.