You're watching the official music video for "La Isla Bonita" from Madonna's album 'True Blue' released on Sire Records in 1986. Buy/Stream the 'True Blue' album here: Listen to Madonna’s latest release here: Subscribe to the Madonna Channel! Check out the Official Madonna YouTube Playlists… The Complete Madonna Videography Live Performances MDNA Skin Help Us Give Back… Raising Malawi The Ray of Light Foundation Stay in touch with Madonna… The Madonna Channel is the official YouTube home for Madonna. As the best-selling female recording artist of all time, Madonna continues to leave an indelible mark on the world through her art, music, activism and humanitarian leadership. Madonna consistently pushes boundaries, spurs conversations and unites us all through her revolutionary work. Subscribe for the latest videos, music, news and updates. Enjoy Madonna’s groundbreaking music videos, live performances, humorous videos and more. Lyrics: ¿Cómo puede ser verdad? [English translation: "How could it be true?"] Last night I dreamt of San Pedro Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song A young girl with eyes like the desert It all seems like yesterday, not far away Tropical the island breeze All of nature wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita ["The beautiful island"] And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes Your Spanish lullaby I fell in love with San Pedro Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me Te dijo te amo ["He told you, 'I love you.'"] I prayed that the days would last They went so fast Tropical the island breeze All of nature wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes Your Spanish lullaby I want to be where the sun warms the sky When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by Beautiful faces, no cares in this world Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl Last night I dreamt of San Pedro It all seems like yesterday, not far away Tropical the island breeze All of nature wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes Your Spanish lullaby Tropical the island breeze All of nature wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes Your Spanish lullaby Te dijo te amo El dijo que te ama ["He said he loves you"] La isla bonita Your Spanish lullaby
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