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Free video download from Rutube and other

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Support for all popular resources

Just a couple of clicks and videos or music from Rutube and hundreds of other video hosting and social networks will be at your fingertips. Shorts can also be downloaded from Rutube for free using our online service uniLoader.

How to download Rutube videos from the link?

Do you want to download videos from Rutube without any extra troubles and without installing different programs? uniLoader will help you do it right in your browser in 3 easy steps. All you need is a link to the video and free space for the file.

Step 1. Copy the video link (URL).

  • In the browser: select the address of the page, right-click on it, and choose “Copy”.
  • In the Rutube mobile app: click the Share button under the video. Next, select “Copy link.”

Step 2. Paste the link into the input field on the website, click on the download icon and wait for the download options to appear.

Step 3. Choose the right quality and click on the Download button to save the video from Rutube to your device.

That's it, in just a few clicks, you can download your favorite content from Rutube from the link. And most importantly, without subscriptions, registrations and absolutely free.

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High quality video

You can download Rutube videos in the maximum available quality! Our service supports modern formats with high resolution: HD (720p), Full HD (1080p), Ultra HD (4K), but the list of download options depends on the characteristics of the original video.

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Music to MP3

You can download audio from Rutube video in a few clicks. The best way to do this is to use the UDL Client program, which has a built-in MP3 converter. You only need a link to save the audio in the best available quality.

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Free and without registration

Our website is made for your convenience. All its functionality is available without any restrictions or fees. There is no registration and no need to send SMS. A little amount of advertising is a necessary measure to maintain the service and for its development.

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Without installing programs

The uniLoader - is a complete video and music downloader that supports many services. If it is technically possible, we suggest downloading from Rutube online without installing additional programs. Moreover, use any device convenient for you.

How do I download videos from Rutube to my phone?

You can use uniLoader services not only on your computer. With the help of our site you can download videos to your phone, regardless of your device's operating system. The main thing is the working browser installed on your smartphone. If you prefer to watch videos without ads, downloading to your device is the best choice.

You can save clips, cartoons, movies and any other videos from Rutube to your phone. There are no functional limitations, and the choice between PC and smartphone depends only on your convenience. For mobile browsers, copy the link to the video page and paste it into the input field on the site. You can also download via the Rutube app. To do this, click on “Share” and “Copy link” and then use it from the clipboard.

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